Sunday, March 15, 2015

Oh you teach Kindergarten?

Them: What grade do you teach?

Me: Kindergarten
This is where the conversation either goes one of two ways.

Them: Oh, bless your heart. I don't know how anyone could possibly do that.


Them: Oh so you basically babysit all day.

In the first situation, I understand that the job is not for everyone. I appreciate the blessing and that you realize my job is more than babysitting. It does make me sad how awful they picture it, though. Do they imagine a bunch of kids running around like crazy in an enclosed classroom? Do you have zero patience? They are just kids who need love and validation. I don't get it..

In the second situation, I used to get really mad. Now, I just feel bad for the person. What makes them view school in this way? If you truly believe that Kindergarten is babysitting, then you are incredibly uneducated and need to step foot in a classroom to see what is really going on before you assume we just watch kids all day.

Either way, it usually ends with me smiling, nodding, and walking away... I know that what I do is incredibly valuable and that's all that matters.  Sometimes I will say a little something about how we set the foundation for their learning experience, yadda yadda yadda. Which is usually returned with an eye roll. Like I said in my last blog-why argue with someone who already has their mind made up?

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