Saturday, October 14, 2017

Life gets crazy!

It has been way too long since I've blogged. Not because I  have so many fans or followers, more so just for myself. I enjoy writing, what teacher doesn't? SO much has changed and its really gotten hard to blog. For starters, I was moved to 3rd grade last year. It was welcomed, but unexpected. I have the best partner now! Really, they've all been great but my new partner and I are basically twins in way too many ways. The principal claims she put us together because she knew it would be a perfect fit, she was right! Last year was rough, so rough. It was hard because the kids were hard, it was hard because I was trying to learn a new grade level and curriculum, I was piloting the new ELA curriculum and I also started a new math curriculum in the middle of the year. I participated in a STEM grant. To top that off, the parents of the students really gave me a run for my money. Not my favorite thing to deal with when all I really want to do is help their students become the best people they can be! Anywho, it was full of meetings, so many meetings and IEPs. I also found out I was pregnant so now I have two little love bugs at home who keep me more than busy! That was last year.

Let's fast forward to this year! I have my same amazing partner teacher, but I have a 2/3 combo. I adore my students. I already had most of them in TK or K, so I know and love them so much already, getting to work with them again, and seeing how much they've changed and learned is just the icing on the cake. I am so blessed. Running the combo is hard! I'm still figuring things out, as is the school district who took on a ton of change at once. I am loving the 2nd grade curriculum so much more than the 3rd grade. We also have a new (and great) principal this year! The school year is flying by! Running a household, and working full time has been so overwhelming. It's so had to divide my time and energy between work, family, friends, myself, my animals... We also started our goat farm. Our first goat baby is due in December!

I write all of this to let you know why I haven't been around, but I hope to have something interesting to write about soon. 
Teach on!